Facilitating the spread of agroforestry

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  2. Cacao Forest in Dominican Republic
  3.  → Facilitating the spread of agroforestry
Faciliter de déploiement de l’agroforesterie
The purpose of this Mission is to identify the agroforestry initiatives and skills that already exist in the Dominican Republic and to grow a network for the exchange of information and training in agroforestry practices based on the agroecological approach. This sharing of experience and knowledge will add to the Cacao Forest programme’s database, making it available to all the entities connected with the project and to the general public. Studies, reports and research findings will all be made available, along with the results of the REP.
Through training provided for the project partners and exchanges organised with other projects in the Dominican Republic, this Mission’s objective is to grow and consolidate the pool of knowledge about a form of agriculture suited to the biggest producer of organic cocoa in the world.
In addition, this Mission is also tackling the main threats facing cocoa production in the Dominican Republic today, using training in early detection methods to anticipate these threats and introducing agroecological responses to combat Monilinia blight and witches’ broom disease.
This helps the REP producers through training programmes involving various organised activities such as:
Faciliter de déploiement de l’agroforesterie
Training workshops in different aspects of agroforestry and the treatment and prevention of diseases.
Faciliter de déploiement de l’agroforesterie
Contact with and visits by various project players, along with workshops in which participants can exchange their experiences.
Faciliter de déploiement de l’agroforesterie
Supporting producers in the process of diversification through the integration of technical staff from Cacao Forest who, along with the technical team of the local partners COOPROAGRO and CONACADO, offer advice tailored to each parcel.
Faciliter de déploiement de l’agroforesterie
Providing technical assistance to producers, which also helps to improve the technical knowledge of the technicians working for the cooperatives that are members of the PCF-RD project, who learn through their daily practice and the experience of local partners.
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