At the event held on 5 June marking the 10th anniversary of the founding of Terra Isara, the 60 business leaders present were given a presentation on the five main initiatives introduced to promote sustainable farming and food production:

  • sustainable farming systems (soil conservation, crop diversification, etc.);
  • sustainable food systems (replacing plastic film with biodegradable packaging);
  • agroforestry systems in cacao cultivation;
  • support for entrepreneurship; and
  • grants for students.

Cacao Forest was one of the projects presented during the evening by Carole Seignovert (Valrhona) and Damien François (Ecotone), who explained the practical results achieved by the project since its launch six years ago. They also answered questions from the business leaders who attended.

Since it was set up in 2012, Terra Isara has provided grants and interest-free loans to 871 students (158 of which are international grants), funded 12 applied research programmes, and backed 19 food innovation projects.

We would like to thank Terra Isara for taking the opportunity of this anniversary event to explain the Cacao Forest project to the partner businesses that are co-funding the projects.

“Together, we are planting the seeds of sustainable farming and food production for everyone!”