The second edition of the Festival, of which Cacao Forest is a partner, is taking place in the Dominican Republic from 8 to 17 July 2022.

This is an opportunity to discover the great diversity of local chocolate producers and enjoy a programme of 25 activities, both in-person and online, with the participation of local and international experts. ​

Lasting for a whole week, the Festival will feature demonstrations, tastings, talks, tours and other activities, all aimed at continuing to promote the quality of Dominican chocolate and cocoa, the country’s flagship product.

The Festival format is not centred on a single location, making it possible organise simultaneous activities in different parts of the country to ensure it has a national reach. ​

A number of chocolate makers will be showcasing their products at the Agora Mall over the weekend of 8 to 10 July. This initiative will enable locals to get to know the different chocolate industry players and support local production by creating a direct link between producers and consumers, making the most of the popularity of the Agora Mall, which attracts an average of 20,000 to 25,000 shoppers every day.

For details of the Festival programme, you can follow the Instagram account